Exterior PaintingHouse Painting

6 Do-It-Yourself Home Exterior Painting Tips

By January 28, 2015 No Comments

Despite the winter season, spring really is upon us. Often once temperatures start warming up, so do ideas about exterior home projects. Many people enjoy being able to get outside and get their yards and homes ready for the spring and summer seasons. Exterior painting is frequently on “to-do” lists for homeowners, especially after long winters where the weather and elements may have caused damage to your exterior paint. A fresh coat of exterior paint can also add incredible curb appeal and vibrance to your home with a great return for the investment.

If you’re considering tackling an exterior home painting project, following are some factors, techniques and tips to think about in order to assure the best looking outcome for your painting project. Of course, once you read through these benefits and factors, you might decide that it’s much more work than you’d anticipated and want to secure a quote from local painting professionals-it all depends on the scope of your project and how much time you have available!

1. Know The Weather

It’s always important to plan ahead when you’re going to be undertaking an exterior painting project. You’ll want to make sure that you are painting in weather that has no rain in the forecast and little humidity. Paint definitely won’t stick properly to surfaces that are damp or wet. In addition, make sure that you understand the ways to maintain your exterior paint through all seasons.

2. The Money Factor: Pricing Out Paint

You may become easily overwhelmed when considering all of the different types of paint and options offered by different suppliers. While you might be tempted to go the route of the cheapest paint, remember that in the world of paint, higher-priced products sincerely do provide a much better quality of product, which means that you’ll get outstanding coverage and durability from your project.

You’ll want to make sure that you take the time to review the features of the paint and how it is rated given specific weather elements that are important in your climate.

3. Prep, Prep, Prep

You’ll want to make sure that you take the appropriate exterior painting preparations to ensure a gorgeous finish for your exterior painting project.

Plan to thoroughly wash, smooth or sand the surface that you’re going to paint. Make sure that any loose or peeling paint is scraped so that your new paint has a smooth surface to adhere to.

Make sure that any rotten wood, trim or siding is either replaced or repaired, depending on the size of the area that is ruined. Painting over rotting wood does nothing to fix it, and the wood will only continue to rot. In instances where wood filler can be used, you might find that to be the best fix. Make sure you take the time to sand either the new wood or fill product before you paint.

Make sure that you have appropriate covers or drop clothes to protect the ground around your exterior painting project, as well as shrubbery and vegetation. You’ll want to be sure to move any outdoor decorations, furniture or appliances away from the area where you’ll be painting.

Finally, consider your project for small details that make a big difference. For instance, painted steps may be too slippery if you use only paint, so you might want to consider adding fine sand or manufacturer-suggested additives to add grip to your stairs or porch.

4. Primed To Go

While in the past, primer was considered a “must” before any exterior painting project, new advances in paint technology have made it possible to purchase primer and paint in one product. These new combinations are more expensive than regular paint, but can help you cut down on the amount of time spent on your project by eliminating separate priming and painting steps.

If you do plan to use a primer, make sure you sand after your primer is applied in order to assure optimal adhesion of your exterior paint.

5. Top to Bottom: The Best Way To Paint

Always begin your exterior painting project at the top and work your way down. This method assures the best protection in controlling drips and streaks.

6. Finishing Up For The Day

You’ll always want to make sure that you take the time to close your paint containers properly so that the paint won’t dry out or be affected by moisture in the air. If you plan to paint again within ten to twelve hours, using a plastic wrap around your paint brush can spare you the work of washing the brush out.