Interior Painting

How to Color Your Room Based on Lighting

By March 16, 2015 No Comments

There are essentially two aspects of lighting in each room. There is natural lighting, coming in from a window. Or there is artificial lighting, which can also factor into how color on a wall is perceived. Take a glance at each of these different types of lighting to gain a basic understanding of what colors might work best in your particular rooms.

Natural Lighting.

First, looking at the natural lighting in the room, there are different times of day and the direction in which your particular room is facing that should be factored in when selecting a color. Knowing which direction your room is facing will help give you an idea of how much direct sunlight is actually entering the room. Look at each of the four directions and take into consideration the angle of the sun.

Here are some examples:

North- and south-facing rooms.
When selecting a paint color for a North or South facing room, note that there isn’t sunlight directly coming into the windows. The room is still brightened by the sun, but pastel or muted colors will appear washed out during the day. Selecting a bolder color will help keep the room interesting while looking fresh and bright.

East-facing Rooms. As the morning light flows into your east facing room first thing in the morning; think about the color you want to wake up to. Using a warm color from the yellow, red and orange family will make for a nice complement with the morning sun.

West-facing rooms. The evening light in the view of the sunset can really set the tone for this room facing the west side. The paint color for this room should be kind and warm. Finishing up the day in the natural light of this room should bring a sense of relaxation and calmness.

Artificial lighting.

This is the second aspect of lighting in a room. It can be the only means of lighting in the room if there are no windows present. Just as there are four directions that play a role in the effect of paint colors in natural light, there are several factors that come into play with artificial lights. Due to the differing types of light bulbs that are on the market today, there are many different ways that colors are portrayed, depending on the light.


Fluorescents bulbs. This type of bulb can make rooms painted in blues and greens come alive and appear very bold.

Incandescent bulbs. Producing vibrant and vivid effects on yellows and reds, while minimizing the boldness of a blue green paint color.

LED bulbs. As LED lights become more and more popular, there have been developments of choosing warmer or cooler lighting effects.

With all of the varying factors, it can really seem overwhelming. Don’t worry; it’s not supposed to feel like that. Just take into account the direction the room faces and the type of lighting in that room. Choosing one interior paint color, just one room at a time, will help you choose the best colors that will make your room come alive.