Exterior PaintingHouse Painting

4 Simple Ways to Keep Your Home Exterior Paint Fresh

By September 22, 2014 No Comments

Your house has a great exterior paint job. It makes the walls look smooth, new and clean. However, even the most professional paint jobs can deteriorate if they are not cared for properly. If you recently painted your home, it probably makes the structure appear brand new. How would you like to preserve your color keep your home looking like it was built yesterday? If you follow the techniques listed below, you will provide your house with a lasting fresh appearance.

Remove mold and mildew buildup. If you give your home exterior a close inspection, there is a decent chance that you will find mold growth under or on top of your walls. The chance for mold development increases for those who live in areas that see a lot of humidity. If you happen to find mold, it is important to scrub it or wash it off with a power washer. If you want to prevent mold growth when you paint your home, you can purchase paint that is resistant to mold and mildew.

Locate and remove rot. Rot can be a major problem for homeowners. If you discover the problem early, however, you will avoid a major annoyance. Look for chipped paint and push it with a screwdriver. Usually rot develops around windowsills or trims and on areas that often gets sprayed with sprinklers or holds rainwater.

Do not paint over the rot. Instead remove it and put fungicide where it was located. Then smooth out the spot with sandpaper and apply primer to the area. You can then re-paint over the spot.

Use several coats of paint. Most professional painters will refer to this method as the “three-coat system.” When painting the house, apply primer paint and then paint over it two more times with finishing paint. This will protect the home exterior and the paint from fading and will help it stay fresh even after extreme weather.

Repair blistering. Sunlight and moisture can cause exterior paint to form blisters. To prevent this, re-caulk any areas that need it. You should also use a pressure washer to remove the paint from the wood. Once the blistered paint is removed, you can repaint the area.

Even with proper maintenance, you should expect to repaint you home exterior every 5 to 10 years to keep it looking fresh. If you truly want a superior, lasting paint job, be sure to contactthe experts at Edina Painting for a free consultation.