Interior Painting

How to Make a Statement in Your Home: Using an Accent Wall

By October 31, 2022 No Comments

How to Make a Statement in Your Home: Using an Accent Wall

One of the most accessible and affordable ways to make a statement in your home is by using an accent wall. An accent wall can be any color or pattern you desire, adding personality and visual interest to your space. Here are some tips on how to use an accent wall.

Define an Area of a Room

First, an accent wall can help define a specific area in your room. For example, if you have a large living room that also serves as your dining room, using an accent wall behind the dining table can create a distinct dining space within the overall room. 

Fun and Bold Statements

Another benefit of using an accent wall is that it allows you to experiment with bold colors and patterns without overwhelming the entire room. This can add character to your space without the commitment of painting the whole room a bright color or using a busy practice on all four walls. 

Pick Designs that Complement the Wall

When choosing an accent wall, consider the overall design style of your home and pick a color or pattern that complements it. For example, if your home has a more minimalist aesthetic, choose a modern geometric design for your accent wall. On the other hand, try a warm wood paneling or brick accent wall if you have a cozy and rustic style. 

Prep the Wall for Painting

Before starting your accent wall project, plan the design and gather all necessary supplies. Also, consider any potential structural changes that may need to be made, such as removing outlets or adding support for heavy materials like brick or tile. 


An accent wall is a simple and affordable way to add character and definition to your home. Have fun experimenting with colors and patterns to make a bold statement in any room.